What Are the Benefits of Going on a Keto Diet for Diabetes?


  • The keto diet is a diet that restricts the number of carbohydrates you consume, typically to about 20 to 50 grams daily, so your body enters a metabolic state known as ketosis.

  • As it's low in carbohydrates, a keto diet often improves blood sugar control. • Other health benefits of the keto diet include decreased appetite, cravings, and calorie intake—which may lead to weight loss.

  • The keto diet comes with its own set of dangers and pitfalls. For example, individuals with diabetes may develop diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening complication.

  • Do consult your healthcare provider before going on the keto diet.

The keto diet has risen in popularity in recent years, resulting in more access to keto-friendly foods and recipes. But while the keto diet is excellent for weight loss and reducing appetite, how does a keto diet for diabetics measure up? 

Research has suggested that keto for diabetes can help type 2 diabetics lose weight, lower their blood sugar levels, and lower their A1c levels. While there is less research for a keto diet and type 1 diabetes, early research shows that the diet can also help lower A1c levels in type 1 diabetics. 

Example of a low carb meal

If you are managing diabetes, you may be wondering what your diet options are and which diet will best suit you and your lifestyle. While a lot of positive research exists for the keto diet and diabetes concerning blood sugar control, there are also precautions and risks for adopting such a diet. A keto diet isn’t for everyone, and it can be challenging for many to sustain over time. 

If you are curious about taking on the keto diet to help improve your blood sugar control and manage your diabetes, here’s what you should know. 

What is a Keto Diet? 

Keto diet example

This is a diet that restricts the number of carbohydrates you consume each day. Generally, the diet limits your carb intake to about 20 to 50 grams each day. That means significantly cutting back on foods like grains, milk, and many types of vegetables and fruits. For a better perspective, a medium-sized banana contains around 27 grams of carbohydrates, and a medium-sized apple contains about 25 grams. 

Snack foods like potato chips will also become a big no-no, so it’s essential to find healthier snack alternatives. That said, keto diet meal plans for diabetics are very similar to general ketogenic meal plans. 

Restricting your carbohydrate intake allows your body to enter a metabolic state known as ketosis. Simply put, ketosis is a state where there is a higher concentration of ketones in your blood and your body begins to burn fat for fuel instead of glucose. 

A keto diet offers a variety of health benefits, including 

  • Weight loss  

  • Better blood sugar control 

  • Decreased appetite and cravings 

  • Decreased calorie intake 

How Do Keto Diets Help with Blood Sugar Control? 

Blood sugar level monitoring with CGM

Several factors increase your blood sugar levels, including: 

  • High carbohydrate intake 

  • Stress

  • The time of day 

  • Dehydration 

  • Lack of sleep 

  • Certain illnesses 

  • Certain medications 

Carbohydrates increase your blood sugar levels because carbohydrates are converted to blood glucose after it is broken down.

Normally, the body secretes insulin in response to high blood sugar levels to bring blood sugar levels back to normal. This is a problem for people with diabetes because, in type 1 diabetes, the body cannot produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas is not able to produce sufficient insulin and the body’s cells are resistant to the effects of insulin. 

That’s why a lower carbohydrate diet often results in improved blood sugar control. 

Precautions When Adopting Keto for Diabetes Management 

The most significant risk of adopting keto for diabetes is that of developing diabetic ketoacidosis, a severe diabetic complication that can lead to coma and death. Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when your body has too little insulin. People with Type 1 Diabetes are at a greater risk of diabetic ketoacidosis than those with type 2 diabetes. 

If you are considering going on a keto diet, it is strongly recommended that you get support from a healthcare professional to adopt the diet safely. Your medications may also need to be adjusted once you begin restricting your carbohydrate intake. 

Adopting a Keto Diet When Taking Diabetes Medication 

Diabetes medication

If you’re considering adopting a keto diet while taking medication for diabetes, there are a few things you should know. In general, most medications for diabetes lower your blood sugar levels. Combining the glucose-lowering effect of diabetes medications and a low carbohydrate diet increases the risk of hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels), especially if you are on insulin and/or sulfonylureas. Prior to embarking on a keto diet, it is important to have a discussion with your healthcare provider, to ensure that appropriate monitoring and necessary adjustments to your medication regime are made, for your safety.

The Downside of Keto Diets  

While the keto diet can help with blood glucose control, it’s not without its potential pitfalls. The keto diet is considered one of the most challenging diets to maintain. 

New dieters commonly experience increased hunger, mood changes, headache, fatigue, and brain fog. Most of these symptoms will subside with time, but they can sway people from the diet. 

Additionally, some of the long-term downfalls of keto diets are an increased risk of: 

  • Nutrient deficiency 

  • Kidney stones 

  • Osteoporosis 

  • High uric acid levels 

  • Increased blood cholesterol levels

Is a Keto Diet Right for You? 

The keto diet can help with blood sugar control, but the diet is not for everyone. Weighing your diet options and working with your healthcare provider can help you manage your diabetes with the strategies that suit you best. 

Are you searching for the best diet to help you manage your diabetes? NOVI Magnum is our complete diabetes care package which provides expert guidance from a dietitian.

Learn how NOVI can help you manage your diabetes today. 


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